Hola again to my faithful subjects. I trust everyone had a wonderful holiday and is the midst of making their new year resolutions, complete with timetable on how soon to break them.
I am here in Lima, where I spent a nice quiet holiday waltzing around the city and finishing it off with a first run horror movie, that came out in the states about 6 months ago. I don{t really care as A.) it is new to me, and B.) it was the only option in English, unless I was willing to subject myself to Alien versus Predator. Which as you can see, I was not.
A couple of comments on Lima so far. Here I would insert a colon assuming it was working, but big surprise that every key on the keyboard is in fact a big surprise. But anyway, I know that everyone says Lima is a total shithole and the only thing one should really do here is change planes. I do not agree as so far I actually quite like it. The people are friendly (the men as usual are a bit too friendly) the city parks and streets are clean, and I have yet to really encounter the famous pollution. I know it is here somewhere, but also must say that my idea of pollution and other people's ideas are a bit different seeing as how I live in a town already filled with busses spewing black smoke. So this is not a problem. Also, the weather for the time I have been here so far has been really nice. Warm and sunny! Attached you will get to see some pictures!
Anyway, now the family is here and we are going to be doing all kinds of fun things like paragliding over the city, and possibly taking a city tour before heading off to Machu Piccu. There is also some talk of bowling. Again, a smiley face here would be appropriate, but....
I think we left off in Huacachina, the polluted laguna in the desert. I had a lovely stay there, did a dune buggy ride and tried the famous sand boarding. A lot of fun and glad I did it, and am doubly glad I don{t have a broken leg, collarbone, arm, or some other part of my anatomy that people seem to get on a regular basis after participating in this activity.
I did meet some funny local guy who is about 18 and wanted to practice his English, so I walked and talked with him for a while. After a while of the where are you from questions, he wanted me to give him some more slang terms in English to supplement what he has. Then he says "what about nigger?" And I say, "what?" And he wants to confirm that the term refers to black folks and I'm like, "um, we don't really use that term, and I would suggest you don't either". And he says, "but I learned it from the movies and it seems OK, as they are saying it all the time". Now I am assuming that he is refering to some of the either really old 70's films that you see on the busses all the time here and of course all the new hip hop movies that seem to throw that term about. So note to all you movie makers who think you are being hip, don't forget about all the latin americans and people of other countries who are learning our language by watching films! Can you just imagine some latin dude walking up to some black guy in NY saying, "what's up nigger?" because he thinks he is being with it as far as language is concerned? No wonder this world is so full of misunderstandings!
Oh and I think I promised a small discussion regarding latin american dogs. Shannon should feel free to post a comment on this particular subject. Anyway, here are the observations so far--stay tuned at the end of my trip I will add some comments about dogs I have yet to meet. Anyway, here is the roundup thus far
Argentina--these are dogs on a mission. You see them strolling down the street with what looks like actual purpose, like they are on the way to the office or something. The only thing missing is the briefcase hanging from the mouth.
Uruguay--I don't think we really need to comment on these guys.
Colombia--for the most part pretty relaxed. There was a story of some dog bites to hikers, but nothing confirmed. Mostly they kind of stroll around the streets and hang out but aren't too involved in anything.
Ecuador--these dogs are hungry and crazy. They are all hungry and will go running after you, cars, other dogs, doesn't matter. Not sure if they think they are going to eat whatever they catch, but they are trying to catch anything!
Peru--so far these dogs are just as hungry as the Ecuadorian dogs, but they really can't be bothered to get up or even bark. Guess they are smarter than the Ecuadorian dogs in that they realize they might as well conserve whatever engery they have.
OK, think that is going to be it for a while. We are off to Machu Piccu in a few where I think I am going to award myself with a pedicure, since I haven't had one since I left the states in the spring and my feet sure have taken a beating since then. Of course the pedicure lady is probably going to recoil in shock and disgust when she takes a gander at these beasties....
Oh, and the puker? Yeah, you know it was me..and the guy next to me too!