Thursday, June 7, 2007

All wet, all the time..

That tarantula is hanging out in the bathroom again. I have hung clothes to dry that are now more wet than they were when I put them up. It is possible there are roughly a hundred ways to fry dough and serve it for breakfast.

It is also possible that I have nevr smelled this bad in my life--and very hard to do anything about it when you have to put a wet bra back on after your cold shower because the clothes just won´t dry. It is raining again today, and I was scheduled to work in the organic garden today with the guys. Turns out they were going down to the beach to fill 150 pound bags with sand in order to turn it into cement at some point and there wasn´t enough room in the truck for me. Pedro (the volunteer coordinator) really thinks that I am not strong enough to carry it anyway (mas fuerte! mas fuerte!), so I find myself with a bit of free time and can use the computer!

Yesterday I was actually the Spanish translator for new people who came and were getting the tour of the botainical garden--how do you like them apples! Hard to belive my Spanish is better than most people here, as this is the second time I have acted as translator for a tour.

Some fun things I have seen so far this week: We had a boa constrictor lounging in one of the rain gutters the other night. He had his eye on this massive grasshopper that he was making a slow move for in order to have dinner. Apparently he moved too slow or changed his mind though, because in the morning the snake was gone and the grasshopper had moved to a differnt side.

One of the guys here that works out in the forest looking for people cutting down trees and stuff like that has this pretty amazing snake collection. He keeps them all in a jar of formaldahyde in his cabin. Disturbing to consider where the formaldahyde may have come from.....we will put off determining the origin of it for our next moment of reflection.

I like the preserve, but it does have a bit of a summer camp feel, at least right now. Because of the time of year, most people that are here are school groups and into doing things that 18-20 year olds do. Everyone seems more excited about the bar than anythting else, which I find amusing and slightly sad since I am really just past those days..ah well, such as life. Perhaps the other preserves will have differnt people to offer because I will be there during what is typically the school year.

OK, no wisdom to offer today since I am still sick with a jungle cold. Maybe next time, so stay tuned for what is hopefully a more interesting update in the next chapter of our story!

1 comment:

ThursdayNext said...

Joanna sent me the link to your site, and I have been enjoying reading about your experiences this morning and look forward to reading more!
Amy (Jo's best friend)