Although that is not them in the photo, that is us working our way across the landslide in Bolivia!
Hello and thanks for tuning in again armchair travellers! So here I am wrapping up my month of total glutony in Buenos Aires. My pants are noticibly tighter and my eyes are suffering a bit from sun that insists on waking me up at noon everyday.
It has been a good time and I can even admit to having made some advancements in learning a few of the 50 past tenses that the Spanish language insists on having. I have also done some fun museums here, been the the movies (! yes, not very exciting for you people who can do that any time you want to, but a big deal for me!), boogied with some Colombian cuties, and of course had many philosophical discussions about whether the $3 bottle of wine is really better than the $2 bottle.
Other than that I admit I haven´t done a damn thing. A lot of reading, a lot of cooking and eating, and even occasionally a bit of studying. Not a very interesting update for the blog I am afraid, but I so needed this time to just do mostly nothing and have a rest so I can do Patagonia right!
Speaking of Patagonia, I am off tomorrow morning at some hour that I was unaware actually existed on the clock to head to Ushuia, which is the southernmost city in the world. And with what has become my travelling modus operandi, I of course really don´t know what I am going to be doing there. I understand I can do some kayaking in the Tierra del Fuego national park, and there is also supposed to be some amazing prison museum as apparently the town was a penal colony at one time. Also, the penguins should make thier debut this trip down in these parts, so I am really excited about that--although I understand they smell something awful!
And long overdue and included here are pictures of the WMDR! I don´t really have time to label them or even sort through them, so am putting the whole thing up and you can just run the slide show. Also included are pictures of what the ride looks like when the weather is cooperating! See if you can find me in some of those pics--sometimes the hair shows. :)
Our pictures are the ones you start seeing of the really shitty weather...the good weather pics are first.
Other pictures I have been on to in recent weeks are pictures of signs. You all will probably mostly not find them interesting, but since things like pedestrians having the right of way are a total and complete rarity here, I thought was interesting to take a photo of the only pedestrian crossing sign I think I have seen all year. Also here are the pics from Carnaval in Oruro--everything is just kind of thrown together.
Wow--must say in looking at the best of WMDR pictures, it is clear I must return to Bolivia and do this ride again in good weather! Good thing that visa is good for 5 years.....
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