So it turns out that the Buenos Aires shag haircut is not totally restricted to the city of the same name. I know this because at this moment, yours truly is sitting here sporting one. I am in El Calafate now, after spending several lovely days in Ushuia and one not so lovely day in a number of busses from that town to this one.
It being Semana Santa and all, and with my failure to need heed the lesson of this week from last year, I have been hanging out in Calafte for 2 days now because I did not book my glacier trekking tour early enough to actually get on one this week.
Desperately in need of a haircut since I was wearing an unintentional shaggy do, I went for a cut this morning. They offered a straight cut and of course I foolishly asked the age old stupid question of what would be best for my hair, where they did some kind of zig zag motion. Now you people know I like to take chances sometimes and figured what the hell, it is just hair. I admit I have been a bit afraid to look in the mirror since I left that place spying a good 6 inches of my expensive blonde hair on the floor, but if the look on the face of the woman here in the internet place is anything to go by, it is probably not great. Oh well, such as life, and hopefully there is still enough of it there to wear a ponytail!
Other things I have been up to since leaving BsAs include such things as seeing the penguinos in Ushuia, and taking a nice hike through Tierra del Fuego national park with some really nice folks I met there. I beleive I may have attained a singular ham-free day, and also became embroiled in yet another Argentine male soap opera. Really this not taking no (admittedly this is when one is inclined to be saying no)for an answer can be exhausting sometimes!
My obsession with the ham continues. Having 17 hours on a bus, you have plenty of time to contemplate such things as: Why is there no bacon? What is the origin of all this ham since there is not a single pig to be found in this country? What the heck are all the Isreali travellers doing if all the food is covered in ham and they don´t eat pork?
ManaƱa I am off to Chalten for a couple of days hiking in the Los Glaciers national park and then returning here to Calafate to do my trekking on the glacier! I am pretty psyched about that. After that I am off to Puerto Natales in Chile where I will check out the infamous Torres del Paine and then board the Navimag Ferry for 4 days of cruising through the Chilean ice fjords to Puerto Montt.
So I will work on finding an answer to these life changing questions and hopefully have something to report the next time I check in...hasta luego chicos and enjoy the couple of photos here:
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