Hola again armchair travellers!
Hard to beleive I arrived here in South America a year ago today. What an interesting time it has been--I have not reviewed my initial blog in a long time where I laid out what my plans for the year were going to be, but do know that other than arriving in Buenos Aires and heading to Ecuador to begin volunteer work, everything else has changed. Funny how life happens that way :)
Speaking of departures, I sit here now in Puerto Natales uploading some pictures from my hiking here in Patagonia while waiting to board the ferry to Puerto Montt, which has been delayed by a day for departure. It is a cute little seaside town, and I am considering going to Puntas Arenas tomorrow for a few hours, but really with long term travelling you realize how many places that are near each other sometimes look all the same. I went to Torres del Paine yesterday, and although it was lovely, it was covered in clouds and honestly after some of the hiking I have done in el Chalten and seeing Fitz Roy and the Perito Moreno glacier, it wasn´t as spectacular as I was expecting it to be...but again, that comes from seeing a lot of incredible things this past year.
In just a couple of weeks I head back to the states--I am already dreaming of a New York pizza and some wickedly strong coffee. Guess I will also have to deal with getting a job, but am not going to think of that just yet.
So last week I went and did 2 days of back to back 8 hour hikes to see the Fitz Roy secotr of the Andes in el Chalten, and also did a day tour to do ice trekking on the Perito Moreno glacier in Argentina. That was a whole lot of fun and we ended the day with scotch on ice and alfahores--the living doesn´t get much better than this!
I am looking forward to the ferry trip next, spending a week hiking and kayaking in Bariloche and then heading back to Buenos Aires for a last chance to eat as much cheap good beef as I can and consume large quantaties of Argentinean wine for pennies before heading back. And I guess I will have to deal with the impending loss of attention from Latin American men. As irritating as they can sometimes be, I will give them credit for not having any issues regarding, and even expecting, rejection. And they are very cute--hhmm, should be a number of them on a 3 day cruise that I can torture for a while :)
Ah well, as this trip wraps up, I am finding myself spending a lot of time thinking of my life before it and what options are going to be open to me after it, and enjoying contemplating change. This year I have had a departure from a life that no longer suited me, and an arrival into the unknown, where everything is an opportunity, you simply need to choose to look at it that way.
Saludos amigos--thanks for joining me on this journey and I will post again before I leave this fine continent and coming soon will post a best of wrap up, so look out for it--There are so many great things to be thankful for!