Monday, March 26, 2007

Off on my Journey....

So I am off in a few hours to the airport for my flight to Buenos Aires! Seems like it has been so long that I have been planning this trip that it is a bit hard to realize it is here already. And the biggest issue on my mind today? You guessed it--my laundry. Those of you that know me well will hardly be surprised since my life seems to revolve around the never ending issue of when to drop off the laundry, be availalbe to pick it up, etc--such a continuing saga I won't even say anymore about it.

I swear that someday I am going to write a book about my time in New York and it is going to be called My Life in New York As Seen Through the Eyes of My Laundry". Or something of that nature. Yes, I am very concerned about the fact that I have undone lanudry from my weekend here and someone is going to be burdened with the never ending issue of my laundry here in a few hours. :)

But anyway, thought I would take the remaining few minutes of the internet service I paid and arm and a leg for today ($8 for one hour!) to update this blog since clearly I haven't done it forever. I must say that if it costs this much down there, you folks might not hear from me all that often!

I have spent most of the weekend cleaning my apartment for the lovely couple who will be living in it for the next year. I must say that having to move or make a change in your life once in a while clearly helps you to clean out all the crap you have accumulated. I threw out 6 large trash bags of stuff I don't need and the dust bunnies under the bed were so big they needed to be caged!

As for the trip--really the only thing I have done so far is book accomodation for the first two nights at a lovely bed and breakfast in the Palermo section of BA. A little on the expensive side ($30 a night) but a nice place to unwind after an 11 hour flight and figure out where I am going to go to stay and start getting in touch with Spanish schools, as I have totally slacked off on that.

OK, better head out for now, back to the apartment for the final packing of my bag. And of course have to prepare the laundry for the lucky recipient. Stay tuned here for further adventures of my laundry..........

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